Monday, 22 IUN 2022

LINEAR DYNAMICS, Miercuri 22.06.2022, ora 10.00, sala A27

Monday, 15 OCT 2021

16th International Symposium on Geometric Function Theory and Applications (GFTA 2021), 15-18 October 2021

Monday, 10 FEB 2020

Workshop on New Directions in Approximation Theory and Related Topics

Faculty of Sciences in Room A27 Detalii

Research Projects


  • A.M. Acu, Project Regional Inclusive Biobased Entrepeneurship Solutions” (RIBES), Project 101134911 (HORIZON, REA.B-Green Europe)-member (contract 10455/24.05.2024)
  • F.Sofonea, PROJECT Pythagoras, PROGRAMME Erasmus +, ACTION TYPE KA220-HED - Cooperation partnership in higher education, PROJECT NUMBER 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000032258, PERIOD 1. 2. 2022 - 31. 1. 2025, PROMOTING ORGANISATION Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (LBUS), Victoriei Boulevard No. 10, 550024 Sibiu, Romania, Project Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Florin Sofonea

  • 2023

  • A.M. Acu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2023, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Voronovskaja formula for Aldaz-Kounchev-Render operators), contract Nr. 3509/24.07.2023 (Director)
  • A.M. Acu, Project financed by Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Knowledge Transfer Center) & Hasso Plattner Foundation research grants LBUS-HPI-ERG-2023-01 (Operatori liniari pozitivi: noi provocari, noi aplicatii), contract nr. 3190/03.07.2023 (Director)
  • A.M. Acu, Romania’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan PNRR-III-C9-2022 - I8, Mathematical Methods and Models for Biomedical Applications (Ma.Me.Mo.Bi.A.), Contract no.760076/23.05.2023, CF125/15.11.2022 (Executive Manager and Scientific Resercher I)
  • A.Ratiu, Project “Mathematical Methods and Models for Biomedical Applications” (Ma.Me.Mo.Bi. A.), period: 1.07.2023-30.06.2026, scientific resercher III, Member: Lecturer PhD. Ratiu Augusta
  • A.Ratiu, Project “Operatori liniari pozitivi: noi provocari, noi aplicatii”, period: 3.07.2023-30.06.2025, scientific researcher, Member: Lecturer PhD. Ratiu Augusta
  • A.Ratiu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2023, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (A scale to measure entrepreneurship competence based on the EntreComp framework), Project Director: Lecturer PhD. Ratiu Augusta
  • A.N. Branga, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2023, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, New results regarding the existence of fixed points for contractions defined on cone metric spaces over topological modules, Project Director Conf. dr. Adrian Branga, 2023-2026
  • M.-S. Sorea, Project “Mathematical Methods and Models for Biomedical Applications (Ma.Me.Mo.Bi.A.)”, investiția ”Dezvoltarea unui program pentru atragerea resurselor umane înalt specializate din străinătate în activități de cercetare, dezvoltare și inovare” PNRR-III-C9-2022 – I8, contract no. 760076/23.05.2023, code CF. 125/15.11.2022 postdoctoral researcher: Lecturer PhD Sorea, Miruna-Ştefana
  • M.Acu, Project financed by Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Knowledge Transfer Center) & Hasso Plattner Foundation research grants LBUS-HPI-ERG-2023-01 (Operatori liniari pozitivi: noi provocari, noi aplicatii), contract nr. 3190/03.07.2023 (Mugur Acu-membru)
  • L.Suciu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2023 financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu : Title: Brownian extensions and liftings for bounded linear operators on Hilbert spaces. Project Manager : Prof. univ. dr. Laurian Suciu
  • S.V. Pașca, Romania’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan PNRR-III-C9-2022 - I8, Mathematical Methods and Models for Biomedical Applications (Ma.Me.Mo.Bi.A.), Contract no.760076/23.05.2023, CF125/15.11.2022 (Software Developer).
  • F.Sofonea, PROJECT Pythagoras, PROGRAMME Erasmus +, ACTION TYPE KA220-HED - Cooperation partnership in higher education, PROJECT NUMBER 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000032258, PERIOD 1. 2. 2022 - 31. 1. 2025, PROMOTING ORGANISATION Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (LBUS), Victoriei Boulevard No. 10, 550024 Sibiu, Romania, Project Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Florin Sofonea

  • 2022

  • A.M. Acu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2022-08, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu & Hasso Plattner Foundation research grants (Discrete probability distributions and some applications) (Director)
  • A.M. Acu, ”FORTHEM-Fostering Outreach within European Regions, Transnational Higher Education and Mobility” project, code 101089463, Grant Agreement no. 101089463/19.10.2022, COR code 235104-Educational expert WP 8 senior
  • A.Ratiu, Project ”PYTHAGORAS”, Erasmus +, project number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000032258, period: 1.02.2022 – 31.01.2025, Education expert:Lecturer PhD. Ratiu Augusta
  • A.Ratiu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2022-08, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Measuring the levels of digital skills by statistical indicators), Project Director: Lecturer PhD. Ratiu Augusta
  • A.N. Branga, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2022, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Generalized perturbed contractions with related fixed point results, Project Director Conf. dr. Adrian Branga, 2022-2025
  • L.Suciu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2022-08 financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu & Hasso Plattner Foundation research grants: Title: Asymptotic properties for compressions of two isometries and Wold decompositions. Project Manager : Prof. univ. dr. Laurian Suciu
  • F.Sofonea, PROJECT Pythagoras, PROGRAMME Erasmus +, ACTION TYPE KA220-HED - Cooperation partnership in higher education, PROJECT NUMBER 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000032258, PERIOD 1. 2. 2022 - 31. 1. 2025, PROMOTING ORGANISATION Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (LBUS), Victoriei Boulevard No. 10, 550024 Sibiu, Romania, Project Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Florin Sofonea

  • 2021

  • A.M. Acu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2021-07, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu & Hasso Plattner Foundation research grants (Iterates and invariant measures for Markov operators) (Director)
  • A.M. Acu, ”Know-how transfer for excellent research at ULBS” project, code: CNFIS-FDI-2021-0030, COR code 242401- Training expert
  • A.M. Acu, ”PYTHAGORAS” project, project code no. 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000032258, COR code 235104-Education expert
  • A.Ratiu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2021-07, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu & Hasso Plattner Foundation research grants (Bergstrom inequality and new bounds for statistical indicators), Project Director
  • A.N. Branga, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2021, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Some fixed point results in spaces with deflected metrics, Project Director Conf. dr. Adrian Branga, 2021-2024
  • L.Suciu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2021-07 financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu & Hasso Plattner Foundation research grants: Title: Extensions of operators and perturbations of the maximal function related to the intertwining expansion problem for contractions . Project Manager : Prof. univ. dr. Laurian Suciu
  • F.Sofonea, PROJECT Pythagoras, PROGRAMME Erasmus +, ACTION TYPE KA220-HED - Cooperation partnership in higher education, PROJECT NUMBER 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000032258, PERIOD 1. 2. 2022 - 31. 1. 2025, PROMOTING ORGANISATION Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (LBUS), Victoriei Boulevard No. 10, 550024 Sibiu, Romania, Project Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Florin Sofonea
  • N.A.Secelean, Project financed by Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu & Hasso Plattner Foundation research grants LBUS-IRG-2021-07/ Fixed point theorems on generalized spaces with applications, contract nr. 2936/26.07.2021, director contract prof.dr. Nicolae Secelean

  • 2020

  • A.M. Acu, Project ”LBUS-HPI-ERG-2020-04/Adaptive preferences and natural price on the financial market-a co-evolutionary model”, contract no. 2724/16.12.2020, COR code 241301 (scientific resercher I)
  • A.M. Acu, Project ”LBUS-HPI-ERG-2020-07/Development of advanced numerical algorithms and robust calculation protocols for the dimensional and structural characterization of nanostructures”, contract no. 4530/19.11.2021, COR code 212023 (scientific resercher I)
  • A.N. Branga, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2020, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, New results of fixed point theory on ordered algebraic structures, Project Director Conf. dr. Adrian Branga, 2018-2020
  • L.Suciu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2020-06 financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu : Title: Expansive dilations for operators on Hilbert spaces. Project Manager : Prof. univ. dr. Laurian Suciu
  • L.Suciu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2020-06 financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu : Title: Expansive dilations for operators on Hilbert spaces. Project Manager : Prof. univ. dr. Laurian Suciu Project ”LBUS-HPI-ERG-2020-07/Development of advanced numerical algorithms and robust calculation protocols for the dimensional and structural characterization of nanostructures”, contract no. 4530/19.11.2021, COR code 212023 (scientific resercher I)- Member Prof. dr. Laurian Suciu
  • F.Sofonea, PROJECT Pythagoras, PROGRAMME Erasmus +, ACTION TYPE KA220-HED - Cooperation partnership in higher education, PROJECT NUMBER 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000032258, PERIOD 1. 2. 2022 - 31. 1. 2025, PROMOTING ORGANISATION Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (LBUS), Victoriei Boulevard No. 10, 550024 Sibiu, Romania, Project Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Florin Sofonea
  • N.A.Secelean, 1. Project ”LBUS-HPI-ERG-2020-07/ Picard operators on the generalized spaces and applications”, contract no. 2836/16.07.2020, Prof. dr. Nicolae Secelean Proiect: Dezvoltarea algoritmilor numerici avansați și a protocoalelor de calcul robuste pentru caracterizarea dimensională și structurală a nanostructurilor cod proiect LBUS-HPI-ERG-2020-07, cod proiect LBUS-HPI-ERG-2020-07, manager proiect prof.dr. Dan Chicea
  • 2019

  • A.M. Acu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2019-05, Nr. 3083 financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu & Hasso Plattner Foundation research grants (Representations for the inverses of certain operators) Project Director Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Acu
  • A.M. Acu, Visiting scientist at Ankara University during 2-16 November 2019, supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, ”2221 - Fellowships for Visiting Scientists and Scientists on Sabbatical Leave, with application numbers (1059B211900262) Project Director Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Acu
  • A.M. Acu, Mobility projects for researchers 2019, project code: PN-III-P1-1.1-MC-2019-0957- Project Director Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Acu
  • F.D.Sofonea, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2019-05, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu & Hasso Plattner Foundation research grants (Approximation by certain operators linking the Bernstein and the genuine Bernstein-Durrmeyer operators) Project Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Florin Sofonea
  • L.Suciu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2019-05, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu & Hasso Plattner Foundation research grants (Descompuneri ortogonale pentru diverse clase de operatori liniari si marginiti pe spatii Hilbert)-Project Director Prof. Dr. Laurian Suciu
  • L.Suciu, Some Topics in Hilbert Space Operators Research in Pairs Centre International de Recherches Mathematiques (CIRM) Marseille, France, 2019- Project Director Prof. Dr. Laurian Suciu
  • N.Secelean, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2019-05, Nr. 4136/2019 financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu & Hasso Plattner Foundation research grants (Extensii ale contracțiilor pe spații generalizate și aplicații) Project Director Prof. Dr. Nicolae Secelean
  • A.Ratiu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2019-05, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu & Hasso Plattner Foundation research grants (Properties of some bounds for several statistical indicators) Project Director Lecturer Dr. Augusta Ratiu
  • 2018

  • A.M.Acu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2018-04, Nr. 3414 financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Approximation by Durrmeyer type operators) Project Director Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Acu
  • A.M. Acu, Mobility projects for researchers 2018, project code: PN-III-P1-1.1-MC-2018-1041- Project Director Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Acu
  • F.D.Sofonea, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2018-04, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Better approximation of functions by certain positive linear operators) Project Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Florin Sofonea
  • L.Suciu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2018-04, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Teoreme de lifting si dualul Cauchy pentru operatori marginiti pe spatii Hilbert) Project Director Prof. Dr. Laurian Suciu
  • N.Secelean, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2018-04, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu-Project Director Prof. Dr. Nicolae Secelean
  • A.Ratiu, Mobility projects for researchers 2018, project code: PN-III-P1-1.1-1-MC-2018-1479- Project Director Lecturer Dr. Augusta Ratiu
  • A.Ratiu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2018-04, Nr. 3414 financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Approximation properties of certain positive linear operators) Project Director Lecturer Dr. Augusta Ratiu
  • 2017

  • A.M. Acu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2017-03, Nr. 3081 financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Rate of convergence of summation-integral type operators) Project Director Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Acu
  • L.Suciu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2017-03, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Teoreme de lifting pentru operatori cu puteri marginite si ergodicitate) Project Director Prof. Dr. Laurian Suciu
  • N.Secelean, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2017-03, Nr. 3073/2017 financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Aplicații ale teoriei punctelor fixe in studiul fractalilor ) Project Director Prof. Dr. Nicolae Secelean
  • 2016

  • A.M. Acu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2016-02, Nr. 3209 financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Approximation by certain positive linear operators) Project Director Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Acu
  • L.Suciu, Research contract by CNRS France at "Laboratoire Paul Painlevé", Universitatea Lille 1, 2016 - Project Director Prof. Dr. Laurian Suciu
  • L.Suciu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2016-02, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Dominare de tip Shmul’yan pentru contractii pe spatii Hilbert si teoreme de dilatare pentru operatori concavi) Project Director Prof. Dr. Laurian Suciu
  • N. Secelean, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2016-02, Nr. 3208/2016 financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Noi rezultate in teoria punctelor fixe si aplicatii in studiul sitemelor iterative de functii) Project Director Prof. Dr. Nicolae Secelean
  • 2015

  • A.M. Acu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2015-01, No.2032/7 financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Mathematical Inequalities and its Applications in Approximation Theory)- Project Director Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Acu
  • L.Suciu, Scientific research contract under the auspices of LEA Franco-Roumain Math-Mode entre le Laboratoire de Mathématiques de l'Université Paris-Sud et l'Institut de Mathématique “Simion Stoilow” de l‘Académie Roumaine entitled "Projet de recherche en analyse fonctionelle", obtained through a competition in 2015-Project Director Prof. Dr. Laurian Suciu
  • L. Suciu, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2015-01, financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Analiza Harnack operatoriala si proprietati ergodice pentru medii de operatori)- Project Director Prof. Dr. Laurian Suciu
  • N.Secelean, Research grants LBUS-IRG-2015-01, No. 5/2015 financed from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Noi rezultate in teoria punctelor fixe si aplicatii in studiul sitemelor iterative de functii)- Project Director Prof. Dr. Nicolae Secelean